IPP / IFSP Process

Persons with developmental disabilities and their families actively participate in the development of the Individual Program Plan (IPP) or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP). The document known as the Individual Program Plan (IPP) or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) is a record of the decisions made by the person served and/or family, to identify the person’s life goals, capabilities, strengths, preferences, barriers, service needs, and supports. The determination of which services and supports are necessary are made through the individual program plan process.

Writing IPP Goals

An IPP outcome is a statement of a goal based on the needs, preferences, and life choices of the individual with developmental disabilities. It is a statement of a specific outcome or objective that addresses the needs of the person with developmental disabilities. These objectives are written in terms that are time–limited so that progress can be measured.

These goals and objectives should maximize opportunities for the individual served to develop relationships, be part of community life in the areas of community participation, housing, work, school, and leisure, increase control over his or her life, acquire increasingly positive roles in community life, and develop competencies to help accomplish these goals.

IPP Timelines

The Lanterman Act requires the regional center to conduct an Individual Program Plan (IPP) planning meeting with each individual served and their families at least once every three years. The IPP is reviewed and modified by the planning team in response to the person’s achievement or changing needs. The planning team meeting is led by the person served and their family, the service coordinator assist with the process- which includes writing the report. The person served can chose to meet quarterly, semiannually, or annually. An IPP meeting can be requested at any time.

When and How Do I Schedule an IPP meeting?

For all active cases, an individual program plan will be scheduled within 30 days after the request is submitted. A service coordinator is the first person to contact to schedule an IPP meeting. You may contact your service coordinator directly or submit a written request to schedule an IPP meeting.

If a final decision cannot be reached on the IPP, you can schedule another meeting within 15 days or file an appeal. If a service is denied or change or end a service is recommended and you do not agree, you will receive a written notification within 5 working days from the day you receive a verbal notification. The Notification of Proposed Action (NOPA) can be provided in your in your preferred language.