Richard D. Davis Foundation for
the Developmentally Disabled, Inc.


The Richard D. Davis Foundation through partnership with the San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center, Service Providers, and members of our Community is committed to improving the quality of the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities that are served by the San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center. We engage in fund raising endeavors for the purpose of purchasing and delivery of services and products that are not funded or available through any private entity. We believe meeting unmet needs for individuals served by San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center, advances their achievement of independence, and maximize their integration within our communities. Improving the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities is the “essence of our existence.”


The Richard D. Davis Foundation is a nonprofit public benefit Corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law for charitable and public purposes:

  • Operating informational programs for developmentally disabled persons and their families.
  • Carrying out research and demonstration projects that will create a benefit for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.
  • Providing financial supports, educational opportunities, products, and services that are unmet needs and cannot be paid for through regional center funding or any other source.
  • Operating a nonprofit organization with the goal to improve the quality of life of individuals with developmental disabilities and their development, their independence and integration into community life

Funding Model

The Richard D. Davis Foundation is supported through individual and corporate donations throughout the year. Fundraising events, sponsorships, and competitions held during the Annual Golf Tournaments. The Richard D. Davis Foundation is extremely grateful to its contributors.

Make a donation to Richard D. Davis Foundation today.