RSO is required of all new Administrators with residential work experience who are interested in becoming administrators of a residential facility in the San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center’s (SG/PRC) service area.
Please view the following pages which explain the RSO process and will help you determine if it’s right for you. This information is also available in The Steps to Becoming a Regional Center Residential Service Provider (PDF).
When Is the Next RSO?
We have opened access to a remote virtual presentation of our Residential Services Orientation (RSO) you are welcome to take the self-guided modules at your convenience.
In order to register and enroll in the self-guided set of modules, self-register via our LMS provider portal.
Self-Guided RSO exam information
Entire Self-Guided RSO Presentations: $100 (payable by Visa or MasterCard only)
Cost per individual modules: $15 each (payable by Visa or MasterCard only)
Once registered, RSO module materials will be available for downloading.
Full Module presentation:
- Module 1: Overview of the Week / Vendorization — Service Level Approval — Licensing
- Module 2: Elements of the Program Design
- Module 3: Client’s Rights
- Module 4: Understanding CMS-HCBS Final Rule
- Module 5: RC Monitoring and Access Requirements
- Module 6: Basic Business Practices
- Module 7: Dental Best Practices / Best Medical Practices and Universal Precautions
- Module 8: Overview of Behavioral Programs / Role of Administrator and Keys to Success Once You are Up and Running
Individual Module presentations:
Select specific Module by entering the full title of the Module in the search box.
- RSO Overview of the Week / Vendorization — Service Level Approval — Licensing
- RSO Elements of the Program Design
- RSO Client’s Rights
- RSO Understanding CMS-HCBS Final Rule
- RSO Monitoring and Access Requirements
- RSO Basic Business Practices
- RSO Dental Best Practices / Best Medical Practices and Universal Precautions
- RSO CMS-HCBS / Role of Administrator and Keys to Success Once You are Up and Running
Requirements for RSO?
There are no prerequisites or requirements prior to taking the course but it should be noted that RSO expires within two years therefore, the enrolled person should be in the process of becoming an administrator. This means the enrollee should have submitted a letter of intent and resume to the following e-mail address to begin the process.
How Do I Register For RSO?
All service providers must register for RSO using the LMS Training Portal. To register for trainings the provider must create an account or login with their email and password that was used when they first registered.
To create an account, please select the “Register” button and follow the prompts. Once registered, the email address and password that were used will be the login information required for future training sign-ups.
Once you have registered and are logged in, you can click on the Slider/Banner for RSO to enroll and complete your purchase.
How Soon Must I Complete RSO After Enrolling?
Once you have enrolled in the RSO, you will have five (5) business days to complete the learning path (courses), so make sure you are ready to start it as soon as you enroll so you have enough time.
What Happens After Completing RSO Course?
Once you have completed all of the courses and passed all of the tests, you will be allowed to generate, download and print your own RSO certificate by clicking on “My transcripts” and click on “certificate.”
If you fail a course test, you will need to retake the failed course ($15 fee). We do need to be made aware of any test that needs to be retaken, as the course will need to be authorized by our LMS operator, Edwin Gamino at In the meantime, you will be able to move on to the next course.
I’m Having Technical Issues/Problems
For technical issues e-mail Edwin Gamino, LMS Administrator, Jaime Anabalon, Manager of Quality Assurance, or Floria Garcia, Community Services Executive Administrative Assistant. For a timely response, it is recommended to e-mail all three members.
Floria M Garcia (909) 710-8834
Edwin Gamino (909) 710-8272
Jaime Anabalon (909) 710-8832